Hogar/Servicios cualificados/Cuidado de enfermería

Cuidado de enfermería

Cuidado de enfermería

Nuestras enfermeras visitantes le ayudan a usted y a su familia a gestionar mejor sus condiciones, en casa

Cuidado de enfermería Cuidado de enfermería

Angel Care cree que la calidad de vida es la máxima prioridad y planeamos dar a los pacientes la calidad de vida que se merecen.

Las enfermeras registradas de atención domiciliaria coordinan el plan de atención del paciente con un médico y proporcionan servicios calificados de forma intermitente. El nivel de atención y el número de visitas dependen de las necesidades del paciente.

Las enfermeras registradas están de guardia las 24 horas del día para responder preguntas, administrar tratamientos, garantizar que se cumplan las órdenes de los médicos y para proporcionar dirección y orientación a los asistentes de salud en el hogar (HHA). Las enfermeras también están disponibles para hablar con los cuidadores familiares.

Cuidado de enfermería Cuidado de enfermería

Nuestro continuo completo de servicios de atención especializada

  • Enfermería de alta tecnología
  • Asistencia con maquinaria médica, incluyendo ventiladores
  • Terapia intravenosa central y periférica con medicamentos, como la quimioterapia
  • Administración y mantenimiento de catéteres
  • Cambios de vendaje de línea PICC
  • Nutrición Parenteral Total (NPT), alimentación por sonda G o de otro tipo
  • Puertos epidurales mediport
  • Cuidado de heridas
  • Fisioterapia, terapia ocupacional y logopedia
  • Extracciones de sangre e inyecciones
  • Gestión de medicamentos
  • Monitoreo del estado de salud
  • Rehabilitación
  • Evaluación y gestión del cuidado
  • Enseñanza de técnicas de autocuidado o cuidado familiar
  • Y más…

¡Por favor, llámenos para una referencia hoy!

Trabajaremos con usted y sus médicos para ayudarle a recopilar el papeleo necesario para obtener estos servicios de nuestros socios comunitarios.
dejar un testimonio
  • #Patient
  • #NHTD #HHA
The warmth and genuine concern shown by Angel Care Inc.'s caregivers had been a source of immense comfort for our family. Unfortunately, our father passed away during this pandemic but I still feel grateful to the team and the father's HHA warm and human attitude. They didn't just offer assistance; they provided companionship and a shoulder to lean on. The sense of mutual help and understanding among the team truly sets this agency apart. more

Envíanos un mensaje

El personal de Angel Care está disponible para hablar con usted de lunes a viernes de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m.
  • Paciente
  • Cuidador
¿Eres el paciente?
¿Vives en la zona de Nueva York?
¿Es usted un asistente de salud en el hogar?
¿Está interesado en incorporar a su paciente?

Home Nursing Solutions to Keep Your Loved Ones in Their Home

Providing home nursing services is an excellent way for families to pivot to add the extra support their loved ones need as they navigate the intricacies of aging. With close to 70 percent of Americans who reach age 65 requiring help from others to get through their day (AARP 2022), many families struggle to find the right solutions to keep older family members in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Private nursing care at home

What Are In Home Nursing Care Services?

Seniors, for the most part, thrive much better in their own homes. But when aging family members start to exhibit signs that they need extra support in their living environment, home nursing care services make it possible for them to stay in the home and remain comfortable and independent.

Home care services are provided by:

Home health skilled nursing

Visiting registered nurses are an essential part of the in home care team for adults needing skilled care; they collaborate with physicians and assist patients with medication management, clinical care, and other support services. Generally, a customized health plan based on your loved ones’ needs determines how often they visit and what services they provide. RA’s also provide guidance to home health aids (HHAs) to ensure your family member’s treatment plan is followed.

Home health aids (HHA’s) help by providing personal and ADL (activities of daily living) support and along with monitoring vital signs and accessing mental and physical health. Ultimately, home health aids are key in providing the means for the elderly to remain in the familiar environment of their home in comfort and with dignity. Home health aids also can work with CDPAP, you can know more about it on our site.

Visiting nurse home care

How Do You Know When A Loved One Needs In Home Care?

There can be obvious signs that an elderly parent or relative needs in home visits. Here’s what to look for:

  • Missed medications
  • The inability to drive
  • Balance issues or
  • Feelings of isolation or loneliness
  • Unable to feed themselves or make meals
  • Forgetting about personal hygiene and daily grooming
Home nursing services near me

There may be other symptoms present; these items are primary indicators their daily needs are not being met.

How Do You Find Certified Home Care Nursing in NYC?

Finding the best home health care in NYC can be challenging; the options are overwhelming. Here’s what sets the Angel Care team apart- our nurses are highly skilled and compassionate. They understand that clear and kind communications are essential in ensuring that patients are well cared for — they make decisions with you, not independently.

Visiting nurses nyc

The team members at caregiver agency Angel Care are compassionate about providing exemplary quality-of-life care to all individuals. Our agency is dedicated to assisting families and their loved ones as they navigate the intricacies of in home nursing care.