What is the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver Program (NHTD)?
The NHTD Medicaid waiver was developed based on the philosophy that individuals with disabilities and/or seniors have the same rights as others.
This includes the right to be in control of their lives, encounter and manage risks and learn from their experiences. This is balanced with the waiver program's responsibility to assure the waiver participants' health and welfare.
Waiver services are provided based on the participant's unique strengths, needs, choices and goals. The individual is the primary decision-maker and works in cooperation with providers to develop a Service Plan. This process leads to personal empowerment, increased independence, greater community inclusion, self-reliance and meaningful productive activities. Waiver participant satisfaction is a significant measure of success of the NHTD waiver

The NHTD Program Covers several different scopes of service:
- Service Coordination
- Assistive Technology (AT)
- Community Integration Counseling (CIC)
- Community Transitional Services (CTS)
- Congregate and Home Delivered Meals
- Environmental Modifications Services (E-mods)
- Home and Community Support Services (HCSS)
- Home Visits by Medical Personnel
- Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)
- Moving Assistance
- Nutritional Counseling/Educational Services
- Peer Mentoring
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Respiratory Therapy
- Respite Services
- Structured Day Program Services
- Wellness Counseling Service
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What is NHTD program New York?
The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program is a unique Medicaid program that supports eligible individuals with disabilities to live independently in their own homes or community settings rather than in nursing homes or other institutions. The program offers a variety of personalized home and community-based services and supports, including:
- personal care assistance,
- assistive technology,
- home modifications,
- case management, to help participants achieve greater independence and autonomy,
- transitional services to help individuals who are currently in nursing homes return to their homes or other community settings.
Using the NHTD program could be a preferable option for many individuals for several reasons. For instance, some may want to live independently and maintain their social connections in their own communities, while others may want to save money as home and community-based services offered through the program are often less costly than nursing home care. Additionally, living in one’s own home or community setting can enhance one’s quality of life by promoting greater independence, autonomy, and social connectedness. Furthermore, the program provides access to specialized services and supports, such as assistive technology and home modifications, which can help individuals with disabilities live more independently.
It’s important to note that the decision to use the NHTD program should be based on the individual’s unique preferences, needs, and circumstances. Speaking with a healthcare provider at Angel Care Inc. can help determine whether the program is a good fit for your situation.

Eligibility for the NHTD
To determine eligibility for the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program, individuals must meet specific criteria, which may vary depending on the state. However, the following are general eligibility requirements for the program:
- Age: Participants must be 18 years old or older.
- Disability: Participants must have a physical disability, developmental disability, or traumatic brain injury that results in significant functional limitations in three or more areas of major life activity.
- Level of Care Need: Participants must require a level of care typically provided in a nursing facility, as determined by a state-approved assessment tool.
- Residency: Participants must live in a community setting, such as an apartment, adult care facility, or their own home.
- Income: Participants must meet the Medicaid income and resource guidelines in their state.
It’s important to keep in mind that eligibility requirements may differ slightly across states. Therefore, it’s best to reach out to your state’s Medicaid agency to obtain more information regarding the specific criteria for the NHTD program in your area.
NHTD service coordinator and his role for patient.
The NHTD program provides a Service Coordinator who is responsible for managing and coordinating services and supports for individuals enrolled in the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program. The Service Coordinator works closely with the participant to assess their needs, develop a personalized care plan, and coordinate services to support their transition and continued community living.
Some of the key responsibilities of the NHTD Service Coordinator include:
- Conducting an initial assessment to identify the participant’s unique needs and preferences.
- Creating a personalized care plan that outlines the specific services and supports required to achieve the participant’s goals.
- Coordinating the delivery of services and supports, such as personal care assistance, home modifications, assistive technology, and case management.
- Monitoring the participant’s progress and adjusting the care plan as necessary.
- Acting as an advocate and liaison for the participant with service providers, community resources, and government agencies.
- Facilitating communication and collaboration among the participant, their family, and service providers.
- Assisting the participant in accessing community resources and supports, including transportation, social activities, and employment services.
The NHTD Service Coordinator plays a crucial role in helping individuals transition from nursing homes to community living and supporting them in their ongoing efforts to live independently. By providing personalized care coordination and support, the NHTD Service Coordinator helps individuals achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of life.

Difference NHTD program in New York
The Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver Program in New York is a Medicaid program aimed at providing home and community-based services and support to eligible individuals who require a nursing facility level of care but would rather live in their own homes or other community settings. While the program may be similar to other NHTD programs in different states, there are key differences to note:
- Eligibility criteria: In New York, individuals must have a physical disability, a developmental disability, or a traumatic brain injury to qualify for the NHTD program.
- Range of services: The NHTD program in New York offers various services and supports, such as personal care assistance, home modifications, assistive technology, and case management. Moreover, it provides transitional services to help individuals currently in nursing homes transition back to their homes or other community settings.
- Funding: The NHTD program in New York receives its funding from the state’s Medicaid program, which serves as a significant source of funding for the program.
- Provider network: The NHTD program in New York has a broad network of service providers offering different services and supports to program participants.
- Cultural competence: The NHTD program in New York puts significant importance on cultural competence, ensuring that services and supports are provided in a culturally sensitive and appropriate manner.
Overall, the NHTD program in New York has a strong focus on person-centered care and offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of program participants. To know more about NHTD or other Medicaid program ask our team Angel Care. Please find us by phone: 917-507-7500 or e-mail: Access NYC site.